Friday, April 17, 2009

Potty Humor

A few weeks ago I was putting away laundry and felt my parental "spidey sense" tingle. Sure enough, Dixon had gone silent. This is never a good sign. When I had left him to put the clothes away, Dixon was busily working at moving every toy he owns from his toy box to the bathtub. As any seasoned parent would guess, I found he had abandoned the task to splash away happily in the toilet. Much to Dixon's chagrin, Scott and I have since been very diligent in keeping the toilet lids down. However, as with all criminals and young children, Dixon returned to the scene of the crime to relive his glory. That's when he discovered a new brand of mischief. I think Tickles has taught him some tricks...


  1. I love it! Toilet Paper is such fun entertainment! And Good job on the blog, you did well!

  2. duh...would you comment on my blog so I could find yours? I can't believe I have never seen it. It is going to be excellent to keep up with you guys and that cute little boy.
